SJ Ellok litt Rc2
Längd over buffertar 178mm.
Hjuldiameter 14,95mm.
Vikt cirka 350gram.
Canonmotor med dubbla svänghjul.
NEM koppelfickor.
Vit belysning fram/röd belysning bak. Skiftar vid byte av körriktning.
Pressgjutet underrede.
Digitalkontakt 8 och 21-polig.
Högtalare monterad.
AC-version har slirskydd på 1 axel och dekoder monterad. (ESU 54614 lokpilot version 4,0)
DC-version har slirskyddsaxel i kartongen och är förberedd för digital med 8/21-polig kontakt. (passande dekoder är ESU 54610 eller 54614)
Info angående modeller med monterad ESU ljuddekoder
Dekoder - ESU version 4,0 Sound
13 funktioner.
Dekodern fungerar både DCC och Motorola.
Motorljudet fungerar även vid analog körning.
F1 Motorljud / Drive sound
F2 Signalhorn / Horn
F3 Dörrar öppnas/stängs / Doors open/close
F4 Koppel / Couplings
F5 Kompressor / compressor
F6 Rangerläge / Swithing mode
F7 Strömavtagare höjning / Pantograph up
F8 Strömavtagare sänkning / Pantograph down
F9 Rälsskarv / Rail joint
F10 Svetsat spår / Welded track
F11 Kurvgnissel / Wheel noise in curve
F12 Växelgnissel / Wheel noice in point
F13 Sandning / Sanding
Längd över buffertar 15520mm.
Hjuldiameter 1300mm.
Tjänstevikt 76,8ton.
Hastighet 135km/h.
Tillverkningsår 1969-1975.
Byggt antal 100 stycken.
Denna serie av Rc-lok blir limiterad till endast 100 modeller av varje målning. Den är uppdelad på 70 DC och 30 AC.
Information in English:
Very high detailed model in limited edition. Only 100 models of every painting. 70 DC and 30 AC.
Length: 178mm.
Weight: 350gram.
Diameter on wheel: 14,95mm.
Canon motor with two flywheels.
NEM coupling shaft.
Operating lights (white/red)
Die cast frame.
Details in both brass and plastic.
Cab interior.
NEM digital interface 8-pin/21-pin.
Factory installed speaker.
DC version has one extra axle (two wheels) with traction tyres inside the box.
AC version has traction tyres on two wheels (one axle) and factory installed ESU lokpilot version 4,0.
AC models has our new skid technology for much better run on all type of Märklin track.
Information about models with factory installed ESU sound decoder:
Version 4,0 (multi)
Works on both DCC and Motorola.
Full beam (becomes regular when locomotive starts to run)
Motor sound works in analouge mode also.
F1 Motorljud / Drive sound
F2 Signalhorn / Horn
F3 Dörrar öppnas/stängs / Doors open/close
F4 Koppel / Couplings
F5 Kompressor / compressor
F6 Rangerläge / Swithing mode
F7 Strömavtagare höjning / Pantograph up
F8 Strömavtagare sänkning / Pantograph down
F9 Rälsskarv / Rail joint
F10 Svetsat spår / Welded track
F11 Kurvgnissel / Wheel noise in curve
F12 Växelgnissel / Wheel noice in point
F13 Sandning / Sanding
SJ ordered a total of 100 locomotives between the years of 1969-1975. Its still runs today as our most popular locomotive. You can see it on our track in many different paintings.
In the box above you can choose if you want the model delivered with decoder, what type of couplings and if you want your model weathered (painted like old/dirty) as in the pictures. Or if you have your own photos please e-mail us and we paint like the photo.
SJ Ellok litt Rc1-3
Längd over buffertar 178mm.
Hjuldiameter 14,95mm.
Drivning med mässingskugg.
Vikt cirka 350gram.
5-polig motor med dubbla svänghjul.
NEM koppelfickor.
Vit belysning fram/röd belysning bak. (Skiftar vid byte av körriktning)
Topp lampa och hyttbelysning styrbar med ljuddekoder
LED belysning på alla ljuspunkter.
Pressgjutet underrede.
Digitalkontakt 21-polig.
Högtalare monterad.
AC-version har slirskydd på 1 axel och dekoder monterad. (Zimo 634C)
DC-version har slirskyddsaxel i kartongen och är förberedd för digital med 21-polig kontakt. (passande dekoder är ESU 59619 eller AMX634C)
Info angående modeller med monterad Zimo ljuddekoder, seö_203315.pdf
Vår nya ljuddekoder till Svenska Rc-loket med special inspelad Zimo ljud med 27 funktioner.
Anpassad för högtalare 4 eller 8 Ohm.
Zimo Rc sound
Fabriksinställd adress: DCC/NMRA: 55, Motorola**:55
Fabriksinställt antal fartsteg: 28
F0 White lights lower + red lamp back AUX3 and AUX4. directional dependence. F1 Sound key
F2 Signal horn
F3 White top lamps is AUX1 and AUX2. directional dependence.
F4 Open windows
F5 Short signal
F6 Shunting
F7 Track squeak
F8 Door open/close
F9 Coupling on/off
F10 Whistle
F11 Compressor
F12 Fan on/off
F13 Air brake
F14 Brake off
F15 Phantograf up/down
F16 Platforms voice
F17 Platforms voice
F18 Railway barriers
F19 Air pee 1
F20 Air pee 2
F21 Tachograph
F22 Platforms voice
F23 AUX5 Cab light
F24 AUX6 Cab light
F25 Switch flange
F26 Mute
F27 Brake sound off
Denna serie av Rc-lok blir limiterad upplaga.
Information in English:
Very high detailed model in limited edition.
Length: 178mm.
Weight: 350gram.
Diameter on wheel: 14,95mm.
5-pol motor with two flywheels.
NEM coupling shaft.
Operating lights (white/red) LED.
Die cast frame.
Details in both brass and plastic.
Cab interior.
NEM digital interface 21-pin.
Factory installed speaker.
DC version has one extra axle with traction tyres inside the box.
AC version has traction tyres on two wheels and factory installed Zimo decoder 634C.
AC models has our new skid technology for much better run on all type of Märklin track.
Information about models with factory installed Zimo sound decoder:ö_203315.pdf
Works on both DCC and Motorola MFX.
Full beam (becomes regular when locomotive starts to run)
Motor sound works in analouge mode also.
Zimo sound decoder MS644C:
F0 White lights lower + red lamp back AUX3 and AUX4. directional dependence. F1 Sound key
F2 Signal horn
F3 White top lamps is AUX1 and AUX2. directional dependence.
F4 Open windows
F5 Short signal
F6 Shunting
F7 Track squeak
F8 Door open/close
F9 Coupling on/off
F10 Whistle
F11 Compressor
F12 Fan on/off
F13 Air brake
F14 Brake off
F15 Phantograf up/down
F16 Platforms voice
F17 Platforms voice
F18 Railway barriers
F19 Air pee 1
F20 Air pee 2
F21 Tachograph
F22 Platforms voice
F23 AUX5 Cab light
F24 AUX6 Cab light
F25 Switch flange
F26 Mute
F27 Brake sound off
SJ bought this type of locomotive back from ÖBB in 2001. Its runs today on our track in many different paintings.
In the box above you can choose if you want the model delivered with decoder, what type of couplings and if you want your model weathered (painted like old/dirty) as in the pictures. Or if you have your own photos please e-mail us and we paint like the photo.
Endast begränsade serier tillverkas.